RC airplane crashes - pissed off pilot - better quality

RC airplane crashes - pissed off pilot - better quality


6 years
140 Visitas
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** Strong Language Warning! ** Me, crashing two of my RC airplanes. Filmed spring, 2000. The first video is the maiden flight of my Hanger 9 Cessna, powered by a Saito GK 56 4-stroke. I used cheap 'Cirrus' servos in the wing. The left servo gets stuck in the 'up' position, causing me to loose control and crash. I actually sent an edited copy of this video to Hanger 9 and Cirrus and Hanger 9 responded by sending me a new fuselage. Filmed late summer, 1997. The second crash was a used Sportster 25 I bought from a local hobby shop on a Friday night. I had to leave on a two week business trip the following Sunday and I was hell bent on flying it before I left. It was later discovered that the throttle arm on the carb was loose and when I went to full throttle, the vibration would move the barrel back to idle, causing a loss of power. The reason It was thrown instead of a ground takeoff was because I tried earlier to takeoff from a nearby parking lot and the plane lifted, lost power, and came down hard, damaging the landing gear. If you visit the field, and listen real close, you can still hear the echos of my scream. lol Two weeks later I tried again to fly it and the plane must have been hungry; since it ended up in a corn field in a million pieces. That video will be uploaded soon!


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